package boards

import (


// private utility methods
// XXX ensure these cannot be called from public.

func getBoard(bid BoardID) *Board {
	bidkey := boardIDKey(bid)
	board_, exists := gBoards.Get(bidkey)
	if !exists {
		return nil
	board := board_.(*Board)
	return board

func incGetBoardID() BoardID {
	return BoardID(gBoardsCtr)

func padLeft(str string, length int) string {
	if len(str) >= length {
		return str
	} else {
		return strings.Repeat(" ", length-len(str)) + str

func padZero(u64 uint64, length int) string {
	str := strconv.Itoa(int(u64))
	if len(str) >= length {
		return str
	} else {
		return strings.Repeat("0", length-len(str)) + str

func boardIDKey(bid BoardID) string {
	return padZero(uint64(bid), 10)

func postIDKey(pid PostID) string {
	return padZero(uint64(pid), 10)

func indentBody(indent string, body string) string {
	lines := strings.Split(body, "\n")
	res := ""
	for i, line := range lines {
		if i > 0 {
			res += "\n"
		res += indent + line
	return res

// NOTE: length must be greater than 3.
func summaryOf(str string, length int) string {
	lines := strings.SplitN(str, "\n", 2)
	line := lines[0]
	if len(line) > length {
		line = line[:(length-3)] + "..."
	} else if len(lines) > 1 {
		// len(line) <= 80
		line = line + "..."
	return line

func displayAddressMD(addr std.Address) string {
	user := users.GetUserByAddress(addr)
	if user == nil {
		return "[" + addr.String() + "](/r/users:" + addr.String() + ")"
	} else {
		return "[@" + user.Name() + "](/r/users:" + user.Name() + ")"

func usernameOf(addr std.Address) string {
	user := users.GetUserByAddress(addr)
	if user == nil {
		return ""
	} else {
		return user.Name()